Salman Khan Viral Video: ‘Bacche Bole Moriya Event’ was organized in Mumbai in which Salman Khan arrived with his sister Alvira Khan Malhotra. Here he rocked the stage, danced on stage, sang songs and Mumbai Police also welcomed him. This was a special day but on the same day a video of Salman Khan came out which upset his fans.
On August 28, a video of Salman Khan went viral on social media. When fans saw this video, they were shocked and upset. In this video, it is seen that Salman Khan is having some difficulty in getting up. Fans noticed all this and started reacting.
Fans got worried for Salman Khan
A video has surfaced on social media in which Salman Khan is seen sitting on the sofa with everyone. When he sees Sonali Bendre coming, he tries to get up. But he has some problem in getting up and this is clearly visible in the camera. After this, Sonali Bendre comes to him and hugs him but fans got very upset after watching this video.
We are together reunion Prem Meets Dr. Preeti Salman Khan meets Sonali Bendre ♥️#SalmanKhan #SonaliBendre
— King Kohli (@CricketfanO9) August 28, 2024
One user wrote, ‘Oh my God…our favourite actor is getting old.’ Another wrote, ‘The veteran actor is getting old.’ Another user wrote, ‘Come on yaar, he is 58. Still he looks like this, salute.’ One user wrote, ‘Our favourite childhood hero is getting old…and so are we. Remember nothing is forever.’
A user on his ex handle wrote, ‘Brother…he looks tired and old too. I hope he comes back soon. And becomes lighter…his body feels very heavy.’ One wrote, ‘I heard in this program that brother is not well, still he came to the program.’
Salman Khan sets the stage on fire with ‘Bachche Bole Morya’
The purpose of the ‘Bachche Bole Morya’ event was that whenever Ganesh festival is celebrated, everyone should bring home an eco-friendly idol of Ganesha. During this, former Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis arrived with his wife Amrita Fadnavis. BMC Commissioner and Mumbai Police Commissioner also came to the event. Salman Khan sang a song and also danced in this event.